Version 1.2 Is here :)

After a bit of time fixing up the game, I've got a new more tightly tuned experience that better fits the player.

New features:

Checkpoints! After getting feedback, most people would like to see some way to make it less punishing, aka checkpoint. So I've sprinkled some checkpoints around the place and hopefully it can make the game a bit more enjoyable.

Better art! Some of the game's art wasn't the best it could've been and a lot of it was actually distracting even though it was not important,. Because of this I've redone some of the art to make it better help the player.


Better time slowing! Before this update the slowdown mechanic wasn't implemented too well and could be a lot better, so I fixed it and made a more smooth and appealing slowdown.

I hope that this game will be much more enjoyable for the people who play it!

Files Play in browser
Jan 23, 2022

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